Sunday, March 29, 2009

Boom, Roasted

I must say that this week was the worst week of 2009 for me. It was downright horrible. Disaster after disaster. It all started last Saturday night....

So remember in my last post how I said met this girl...well turns out I did like here and we went out a few times since my last post. I even let her inside my apartment, which I just don't let anyone in. Girls are crazy(they could kill you and leave you for dead in you apartment). Anyway, she was acting weird. I could tell right away it was "ex boyfriend" stuff. She had the look. I saw the writing on the wall.

Now onto Monday. This week I had a 3 day meetings with everyone in my office. On Monday night, we went to my boss' boss' house for heavy appetizers and drinks. I walk in and they asked me if I wanted a beer. Instead of my usual yes, I declined due to a full punch bowl of sangria which no one was drinking. I never had it so I was eager to try it. I don't remember leaving that house. I don't know how I got my shoes on. I woke up on my bathroom floor at 4AM the next morning. Crazy. It gets worse....turns out I puked about 5 times. I drank practically the whole thing of punch. I am proud of that, but not the eye ball that was completely red from broken blood vessels due to puking (more on that later). The bowl of sangria had brandy, wine, and rum in it. Very tasty.

Tuesday....I felt good but my eye hurt like no other. I didn't have my phone or car so I didn't know how I was going to work. I had to go to work. I had to give a presentation to everyone in the office, plus a guy who reports directly to the CEO of the company. Good thing the lights were dimmed. I made sure I sat in the corner as far away as I could. Everyone knew I was drinking but only 2 folks knew what happened after I left. Turns out, my buddy came and picked me up. Also, it turns out the night before I kept talking about the girl I met and how pissed I was since she didn't call my after I sent her flowers. This is when I knew I liked this girl. When you're drunk and talking about a woman instead of trying to find one, that's when you know you like one. That's my point of view. There is more to this story but I have to keep it PG-13 here. I did get a text from Rachel thanking me for the flowers....a fricking

Wednesday....I'm ready to pull my eye out of its socket. It is killing me without improvement. I didn't know what to do. Once again, I had to go to work. It was necessary. I managed through the day and had to go to a business dinner at Big Bowl. I really liked Big Bowl and would go back again.

Thursday....This morning started out with a 6:30 AM conference call. It was about my future with my boss' boss. He thinks I will be getting transferred sometime in June or July and wanted me to go month to month on my lease. No thanks...that costs about an extra 350 per month and there is no guarantee that I will be moving. After that, I spent the day facilitating a VSM event. The event went well. That night, I went out to dinner with another boss of mine. We watched Purdue lose and talked. I found out that my boss' boss didn't have a clue what happened at his house, hence why I still have a job.

Friday....I am thinking I am going to need eye surgery to repair the blood vessels. My eye was feeling better but not looking much better. We finished off the VSM, I went to the orthodontist, and went and played basketball from 6-8. Basketball has become something I enjoy. Well, during one of the games, I jammed my finger bad. I mean I thought it was going to fall off. I wanted it fall off. I didn't cry or cuss. I had to keep it PG there....little kids in the area. I went home and fell asleep during the Michigan State game. Oh, I got a text from Rachel at 6AM saying sorry she was being distant, she has a lot going on in her life. I'm a engineer...I figured that out last Saturday!

Saturday....Eye is starting to look better. Wikipedia says 10-14 days for it to heal. I went and worked out, which felt good. Then I went to the grocery store and got my car looked at.....estimate at 125 bucks to fix the leaky exhaust. I can handle that. I made a steak dinner for my buddy who saved my life earlier in the week and his fiancee. It was the least I could do.

Sunday....Worked out nothing going on. I have to go drop off my car to get fixed and sign a lease today. I don't know for how long yet. After this week, I feel like moving to somewhere far like Alaska.

Haven't heard from Rachel. I predict it's over. I tried to call her but she didn't answer or return my call. Oh well. I am going to be traveling for the next three weeks so I won't have time to think about things like women, my housing situation, or my eyeball. I get to escape reality and travel to CT, Penn (twice), and OR. In the grand scheme of things, these things aren't disasters. I still have a job. 10% of the US can't say that right now. My finger still hurts, but I can type.

This week I went from thinking I had it all figured out to having nothing figured out. It's disappointing. I'll rebound. I always do. I'm Bobby.



Update...Rachel called me....more on the next post.

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